The people will be crushed by taxes, and loan upon loan will be taken out. Once the present has been exhausted, the future will be devoured.

Frédéric Bastiat
Section 5 of 7

After describing what would be the liberal situation based on justice and not coercing fraternity through legislation, Frédéric Bastiat describes the opposite situation and the necessary consequences of a system that would try and impose the duty of fraternity upon its citizens through legislation.

It is terrifying to see that he had correctly anticipated what would happen and today’s quote reflects in a premonitory way the situation in France today. Frédéric Bastiat has not been listened to indeed and, despite what a lot of French people think, France is not a stronghold of liberalism. Successive governments have attempted to impose fraternity through the Welfare State, which is throwing the country to a wall approaching at high speed in this unfortunate decade starting in 2020.

Other quotes from Justice and Fraternity:
Section 1 of 7Section 2 of 7 – Section 3 of 7 – Section 4 of 7Section 6 of 7 – Section 7 of 7