A stroke of luck placed in my hands the Censeur européen and I owe to this circumstance the direction of my studies and my spirit.
Frédéric Bastiat
Complete Works, Volume 7, pages 371 to 372 (in French)
March 7th, 1845
Here is a thank you letter to Charles Dunoyer who seems to have reacted positively to two articles by Frédéric Bastiat published in the Journal des Economistes. The Letter from an Economist to Mr. de Lamartine must be one of them because it had been published in February 1845 and pertains to the right to work, which is a topic central to the book published in 1845 by Charles Dunoyer, De la Liberté du Travail.
I choose today’s quote for its historical interest. Frédéric Bastiat is telling us here that he is a great admirer of Charles Dunoyer with whom he is not only in agreement on ideas but that he was a driving force behind the direction of his studies and his thoughts (The Censeur européen was published from 1817 to 1820 and Frédéric Bastiat was born in 1801). Who knows if, without such a discovery, the career of Frédéric Bastiat would have been completely off course and the existence of this blog would have been compromised?