All freedoms are bound together.
Frédéric Bastiat
Complete Works, Volume 7, pages 303 to 309 (in French)
Here is a rather odd text taking the form of a letter addressed to Frédéric Bastiat by himself. He seems to wonder what was the objective of writing the Economic Harmonies and how futile they are, notably because they are coming after Adam Smith or Jean-Baptiste Say, his elders whom he admired so much.
I shall remember today’s quote, which is extremely short but explains all his writings and positions. Frédéric Bastiat was a fervent advocate of liberty and thus an enemy of oppression, whatever form the latter would take. His fight for liberty and all freedoms is justified by the fact that they are bound together and that, ignoring a blow to some freedom, as insignificant as it might seem, would be equivalent to let oppression follow its course, which would eventually rot the whole society.