As soon as a sparkle keeps shining, there is no cause for despair.

Frédéric Bastiat
Complete Works, Volume 7, pages 377 to 380 (in French)
November 24th, 1844

Seven letters to Horace Say, son of Jean-Baptiste Say, are published in volumes 7 and 1 of the Complete Works. As I cannot find a quote I would have extracted in volume 1 earlier, I shall review them all here, in chronological order.

This first letter follows the first publication by Frédéric Bastiat in the Journal des Economistes, of which Horace Say was one of the founders. The latter had written to thank him and offered him to publish more articles. Frédéric Bastiat announces that he is honoured and accepts the request. He also announces the coming publication of Cobden and the League. He expresses his great respect for his father as well as for Charles Dunoyer while complaining about the cool reception in France towards what he calls the Economists’ School. However, he concludes with today’s quote, denoting his ever present optimism.