Is it not misguided to search for the solution in a fake unity, contrived, intolerant, persecuting, socialist, which is indeed unable to present its titles for domination and its proof of truth?
Frédéric Bastiat
Complete Works, Volume 7, page 361 (in French)
Here are three extremely short paragraphs introduced by the question: “Is it not the same in religion as in political economy?”
What Frédéric Bastiat is exposing here is no less than centralism (democratic or not), which follows constructivism logically, be it that of the Church or that of a government that would not be limited to its sovereign functions. Ascertaining that the world is diverse, he assesses that the free expression of this diversity is what leads to a constituted unity around the truth once understood thanks to dialogue and challenge. Such a truth can be discovered only through the agreement of individuals on an answer to questioning by those who are not yet convinced. Conviction is acquired and cannot be contrived – freedom of thought alone therefore allows to reach real unity for humanity.