We shall spread the principle of freedom when others will preach the principle of protection. Truth will emerge from the debate.

Frédéric Bastiat
Complete Works, Volume 7, pages 66 to 71 (in French)
Mémorial bordelais, April 6th, 1846

In this public address to the minister, Frédéric Bastiat criticises him for fighting the principle of trade. Indeed, the presentation of trade policy claims a need to implement protectionism where the foreigners benefit from a competitive advantage and a possibility to implement free-trade where foreigners do not have a competitive advantage. However, trade is beneficial precisely where each and one of us produces what he is the most competitive to produce (cf the theory of competitive advantages by David Ricardo).

Frédéric Bastiat criticises the speech of the minister by showing what it implies. The English government says: “High prices, which are beneficial to the producer but detrimental to the consumer, this is what we do not want anymore”. The French government says: “High prices, which are detrimental to the consumer but beneficial to the producer, this is what needs to be kept in place”

After highlighting the contradictions of the minister, he suggests to help him by opening the debate between protectionists and liberals. This is the point of today’s quote. Unfortunately, he has been once more too optimistic in his conclusion about the truth revealing itself when we can see today that the debate is still ongoing between The Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute. However, he was right in the sense that truth will certainly not emerge if the debate does not occur!

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