A great cause has never failed by the want of a great man.

Frédéric Bastiat
Complete Works, Volume 7, pages 34 to 38 (in French)
Mémorial bordelais, February 9th, 1846

This article was published in the Mémorial bordelais on the day after the previous one. In it, Frédéric Bastiat tackles the issues of partisanship and public opinion. Concerning the former, he insists on the fact that free trade will occur only if it is not part of political parties politicking. Bringing out a majority in parliament allows to adopt some texts but a principle needs to embrace all sensitivities, left, right and center. 

This is the reason why public opinion is key. It does not allow to bring out a majority in parliament but a stability in political action. Frédéric Bastiat is upset by the economic ignorance by which the French population is surrounded – it has not changed much since. This is the reason why even if a member of parliament happened to adhere to the ideas of free trade, he would ignore his own beliefs if he considers entering a political career.

Therefore, the cause of free trade is what needs to be defended in order for the population to ask for it. Otherwise, it will not be completed and we cannot count on a providential man to implement free trade. What today’s quote is telling us is that if the cause is just and understood, there will always be someone who will appear to support it and lead others along himself. Otherwise, a providential man will not be able to implement free trade. It will be interesting to observe in the coming years how the situation in Argentina evolves. Does the election of Javier Milei translate a deep public opinion that will allow to break the Peronist vicious cycle or are we in front of a providential man who will be incapable to perpetuate the liberal policies he is trying to implement?

First article – Second article – Third article